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Western Concord Carriage

 blender icon 256x256adobe substance 3d painter icon



Western Concord Carriage was an American horse-drawn coach, often used as stagecoaches, mailcoaches, and hotel coaches in the first half of the 19th century. Although railroads began replacing stagecoaches in the middle of the 19th century, Concord coaches remained in commercial use into the 20th century.

I combined the structure and the look of some renovated mail carriages and a shabby hotel coach while creating my 3D-model.


The carriage was modelled in Blender, textured in Substance 3D Painter.

Supervisors: Rein Tikk, Marco Neeme


 western concord vanker maria valja eestvaade veeb

Front view


western concord vanker maria valja kylgvaade veeb

 Side view


western concord vanker maria valja tagantvaade veeb

 Rear view


western concord vanker maria valja eestvaade wireframe veeb

 Front view - topology


western concord vanker maria valja kylgvaade wireframe veeb

 Side view - topology


western concord vanker maria valja tagantvaade wireframe veeb

 Rear view - topology


3D model in Sketchfab
western concord reference
Reference and inspiration for the Carriage.